Ed. Note: In the comment section, a reader corrected me as to when Anthony and Gia met. They met on the set of “The Custodian” in 1993, and this movie was made in 1994. I apologize for the misinformation. … Continue Reading
Except, I’m not green; I don’t live in a trash can; I have better hygiene. Other than that, Oscar and I are likethis. I might as well brandish a cane and shout at the kids to get off my lawn. I am going to dive in the shit today and talk about things that… Continue Reading
My best friend, Kiki, and I both have birthdays in the month of April. I usually give her a book or a CD or something like that. This time, I decided to take her to a play. I surfed the various theatres, and I came across the play, By the Bog of Cats at the Guthrie.… Continue Reading
Today, I am not going to talk about politics–much. I am not going to talk about sex–much. Instead, I am going to talk about something personal–mostly. My weight. I am not going to tell you how much I weigh because I don’t know. I have issues with the scale and with eating and with… Continue Reading
Ok, I’m getting the politics out of the way right off the bat: I can be pissed off at AIG, Congress, the last administration, this administration, AND the American public simultaneously for the financial market fiasco that has occurred in the past thirty years. I don’t have to limit myself to one entity or… Continue Reading
Ok. I know the world is in a full-frontal meltdown, and I promised my solution to world peace, but I am still preoccupied with sex. That means that world peace will have to be delayed yet another day. I am gonna be like the AIG execs and hold the world hostage until I get my… Continue Reading
Ok, I know I promised to bring about world peace today, but that will have to be shelved because I have a more pressing problem. Sex. Or rather, the lack thereof. See, I just hit my sexual peak last night–what? Stop laughing. I did! I could actually feel it when it hit. One minute,… Continue Reading
I wrote briefly yesterday about AIG handing out $165 million in bonuses to the very employees who drove the company (and our economy) into the ground. Today, there is rage and fury and a whole lot of indignation going around. “How can they do that?” “What are they thinking?” “Don’t they have any decency?” In… Continue Reading