Ok. I tried to be above the fray that is the teabaggin’ parties, but I cannot. Why? First of all, I want my tea back! Tea is a wonderful beverage that warms you up on a cold, MN winter night (sniff, bye winter), and it is unfairly being usurped by the right to further their inchoate cause.
I am Asian! Give me back my tea, you scumbags! Besides, the original BOSTON (not American) Tea Party was in protest of the British taxing the colonists when the colonists had no representation in the Parliament. In other words, taxation without representation. In the current invocation of Tea Parties, however, they Teabaggers are protesting, well, um, I’m not exactly sure what they are protesting.
President Obama’s higher tax rates! Except, he cut taxes for 95% of Americans. In addition, he did not raise taxes on the other 5%, he merely let the Bush taxcuts expire. Now, that particular tax rate is the same as it was under Clinton. In addition, it is 10% lower than it was under that great Communist leader, Ronald Reagan. So, we can dismiss higher tax rates as a legitimate concern.