As I a writing this, it’s almost 11:30 p.m., Central Whatever Time. In approximately half an hour, Script Frenzy month will start. The goal is to write a full-length script (screenplay or an actual theatre play script) in the month. I did it last year, and it was a blast, so I am doing it again. I already have my idea for a title (thanks, Juno!), and I am fleshing out the details (in my mind). I am excited about doing this again, but it means that I probably will not be blogging every day. I’m not sure, so this is just a friendly note to let you know not to worry if you don’t see new content every day. I might try to cram in an entry in the twenty minutes I have left. We’ll see. Wish me luck!
So many penii, so little time? The Seven Penii?
Good luck!
That’s right! So I better get cracking. I am working on them, er, it right now.