All right. I have been reading my usual political blogs and watching my usual political shows. I’ve been trying to pare down, but I still want to keep up on what’s going on in the world. So, despite my loathing for the state of the traditional media, I allow myself to see clips and peeks into the dusty, musty pages of the old-school media. It is with increasing disgust that I watch the Democrats slowly crumbling under the weight of their own ineptitude.
I have a hard time remembering that the Democrats are in control of the Executive Branch (the President) and both the Senate and the House in the Legislative Branch; they sure as fucking hell don’t act like it. We have a fucking supermajority in the Senate, which means we can steamroll over the Republicans if we got our fucking act together. Healthcare reform? We could have it now. Rolling back DADT? Done. More better bigger stimulus? Piece of cake.
Ok, it wouldn’t be that easy, but it wouldn’t be the horrific agony that it is now. I have said before that I love the fact that the Democratic Party has a big tent. Truly, we are a diverse party. However, I am concerned (yes, concern-trolling my own blog. Deal with it) that the party as a whole has moved inexorably to the right. Bill Maher said a while ago (and I’m paraphrasing), “We have two parties in this country: the batshitcrazymotherfuckers on the right and the centrists.”